What Are The Best Spirit Box Apps?

What Are The Best Spirit Box Apps?

Navigating the expansive world of Spirit Box apps can be overwhelming. While many apps promise profound spiritual connections, only a select few deliver transformative experiences.

Ever since 2016, my go-to for authentic spiritual communication has been the ChillSeekers apps, masterfully crafted by Keith Weldon and Chris Rodgers. Their portfolio—ranging from Necrophonic and Signal to EVP Shifter and Deadwave—is a pinnacle in the realm of spirit communication. These apps were my stepping stones before I evolved my own methods, and they remain my trusted companions during travel or fieldwork.

👉 Curious? Immerse yourself in my exclusive videos that showcase the power of these apps.

Without further ado, let me introduce you to a couple of my personal favorites, available for both Android and iOS platforms:



A Swiss Army knife for the modern paranormal investigator, Necrometer serves as your comprehensive spiritual communication tool. With multi-layered functionalities, this app is the pinnacle of innovation meeting intentionality.


  • A Meter that captures magnetic energy fluctuations.
  • A Text and Speech mode to interact with the spiritual realm.
  • Audio customization with pitch control, reverb, and echo effects.

Communication Modes

  • Text Mode: Engage with the spirits via a vast database of over 60,000 words and phrases.
  • Speech Mode: Unearth EVP-like communication without any pre-recorded audio, offering an experience akin to using a traditional ghost box.

NecroMeter on App Store
NecroMeter on Google Play Store

I vouch for these apps not merely as an endorsement, but as an enthusiastic user myself. In the rapidly evolving field of ITC, where spirits are believed to interact through electronic devices, these apps stand as a testament to what is achievable through dedicated research and technological prowess.

Your spiritual journey deserves the best, and these apps are it. Dive in and explore the unknown, guided by the very best in spirit communication technology. 

Cody ITC ᛃ

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